
This CBD Fitness Gift Box is for that fitness mad person in your life

This box has the perfect CBD products to aid all training routines & muscle recovery.  We have combined for you our top selling fitness products, 1 x 40% CBD Oil, 1 x CBD Thai Balm, 1 x tub of gummies,  1 x tub of pure CBD capsules and 50g of Raw Caribbean Gold Sea Moss.

Combining both the ingestion of CBD oil and applying the topical balm to sore muscles directly after training, can help to achieve desired goals.

Each box is uniquely gift wrapped and delivered ready to give to your loved ones or to treat yourself

Want to know more about the benefits of CBD

1)   CBD Fitness Gift Box for Sports Recovery

A sports person’s sleep routine is essential to their recovery from the rigours through which they put their body. However, the nature of what they do can also hinder sleep. Stress, anxiety and pain all knock your sleep cycle out of kilter and, with the pressure of reaching peak fitness at the right time, nerves ahead of a big event and pain from pushing their bodies to the limit, athletes can suffer from disrupted sleep.

CBD can reduce all three of these elements, which helps sports people regain their natural sleep cycle and can recover properly before the next day’s activities. It is also a better option than many sleeping tablets, which work in a manner that can damage your natural sleep cycle, causing issues in the long run. This is one of the many benefits of CBD for sports recovery.

Another reason to use CBD for athletes’ recovery is that it can reduce the concentration in the blood of cortisol, which is the body’s main stress hormone.

You produce cortisol when you exercise or conduct any physical activity. Excess cortisol can cause you to store more fat, can suppress your immune system and can lead to tissue breakdown. This can all be disastrous when recovering from a workout or injury. Taking CBD helps to avert these symptoms.

2)    CBD and Inflammation

You will always find some acute inflammation from exercise or injury, but chronic inflammation can be very damaging. It can cause chronic illnesseslike cancer, diabetes, arthritis and autoimmune disease.

There have been studies into the effect of CBD on inflammation, and they have found that applying CBD cream topically can reduce it and without any side effects.

When dealing with your inflammation after a workout, CBD cream can be an effective and safe alternative to popping pills.

3)    CBD for Pain Management

Another reason athletes take all manner of over the counter medicines is to combat pain, which comes as a natural response to extreme physical activity. Once again, CBD can provide an alternative to these pills.

It acts to alter pain signalling in the brain, making it much more manageable for the sports person. An additional benefit is that CBD is not addictive, unlike some stronger painkillers that a doctor may prescribe for an elite athlete.

This is one of the major benefits of CBD for athletes.

4)    CBD for Pre-workout

The role of CBD for sport isn’t just after the event. It can proves effective for aiding performance when taken in advance. It minimises muscle burn and curbs fatigue, alleviating discomfort and helping you push yourself further. This is ideal if you indulge in endurance sports.

It also helps you focus, which is essential when trying to get in the zone and shut out crowds and other competitors.

5)    CBD for Appetite Control

Diet forms a major part of an athlete’s preparation and CBD helps with this by aiding appetite control. This is one of the ways it supports the ECS.

It works to regulate the hunger messages coming from the brain, relaxing and calming you and ensuring you don’t feel the need to snack unnecessarily.

6)    CBD for Anxiety

Research shows that CBD can help to reduce the effects of anxiety. This is of benefit to sports people who are under pressure to perform from themselves, coaches, fans and more.

It has been shown to reduce symptoms in sufferers of social anxiety disorder and even PTSD, in addition to steadying nerves in all manner of different people.

A sports person with reduced levels of nerves and anxiety has the best chance of giving their best performance, and CBD can help facilitate that.

Is CBD Legal for Athletes?

Before taking CBD for sport, you do need to know about the legalities. UK Anti-Doping (UKAD) recognises that CBD is not harmful and, as such, permits it to be used in sport. This is backed up by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), which allows it if it contains 0.3% THC or less.

This means that you can enjoy the benefits of CBD for athletes without having to worry about getting into trouble with the sport’s governing body.

Does CBD Show Up On A Drug Test?

CBD does not show up on a drug test. They will show up THC, but as full-spectrum CBD oils contain 0.3% THC or less, this is not a concern.

To reduce the risk of receiving a false positive for THC, you should use a broad-spectrum CBD or isolates. This protects you from any issues.

Best Type of CBD for sport and athletes

There’s a debate over the efficacy of full-spectrum CBD extracts and isolates. Here’s how to distinguish between these two products — and which is better in certain scenarios.

Different Forms of CBD for Athletes

If you’ve decided to use CBD for sport, here is a guide to the forms of CBD you might find.

1)    CBD Oil for Athletes

CBD oil is the most common way to take CBD for athletes. Apply the CBD under your tongue using a dropper. After holding it your mouth for up to a minute, the CBD will absorb into your system.

You should notice an effect in between 15 and 30 minutes and it should last up to six hours.

2)    CBD Balm for Athletes

CBD balms are used for muscle strains, inflammation, and injuries. Look for those made of organic ingredients to ensure you get the best quality product.

Reapply CBD topicals as often as you need. When the effects wear off, you can add more without any harm to your body.,

CBD Fitness Gift Box for Sport?

CBD for sport is a legitimate and effective method of helping you recover and perform more productively. From helping you focus to reducing anxiety, aiding sleep, calming inflammation and soothing pain, there is a CBD option for you. Shop now for your chance to gain these amazing advantages for your sporting life